Paidong sanoat zonasi Qiligang, Yueqing shahri, Zhejiang viloyati, Xitoy.
Paidong sanoat zonasi Qiligang, Yueqing shahri, Zhejiang viloyati, Xitoy.
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  • Post rasm
    08 Aprel, 2023
    elcb_admin tomonidan yozilgan
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    RCBO ma'nosi, qo'llanilishi va tez-tez so'raladigan savollar

    RCBO so'zining ma'nosi

    RCBO MCB va RCD funktsiyalarini birlashtiradi va "haddan tashqari yukdan himoyalangan qoldiq oqim o'chirgich" ning qisqartirilgan ifodasidir.

    Haddan tashqari oqim, kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladigan juda ko'p yuk qurilmalari yoki kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladigan qisqa tutashuvi natijasida yuzaga keladigan haddan tashqari oqimga ishora qiladi. Qoldiq oqim, shuningdek, tuproqning oqishi deb ham ataladi, kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladigan simning tasodifiy kesilishi yoki yomon sim tufayli yuzaga kelgan ochiq kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladi.

    RCBO ning asosiy vazifasi tuproqning shikastlanishi, ortiqcha yuk va qisqa tutashuv oqimidan himoya qilish va xodimlarni va orqa jihozlarni himoya qilish uchun oqimni tezda uzib qo'yishdir.

    As technology evolves and smart homes continue to iterate, the smart RCBO emerges.A smart RCBO (Residual Current Breaker with Overload) is an advanced version of the traditional RCBO that offers additional features enabled by smart technology integration. This device still performs the primary functions of an RCBO, which include protection against overcurrent (like MCBs) and earth fault currents (like RCDs), ensuring safety from electrical shocks and potential fires due to faults. However, it is enhanced with capabilities that allow for remote monitoring and control, as well as automation and integration with smart home systems.

    RCBO ilovasi

    RCBO MCB va RCD funktsiyalarini birlashtiradi va amaliy dasturlarda MCB va RCD kombinatsiyasi o'rniga bitta RCBO dan foydalanishga harakat qiladi.

    aqlli o'chirgich tizimi

    Hozirgacha ko'pchilik uy tarqatish qutilari uy elektr xavfsizligini himoya qilish uchun RCBO bilan jihozlangan. Aqlli RCBO TOSMR1 rasmda qisqa tutashuvdan himoya qilish, qochqindan himoya qilish va ortiqcha yuk himoyasini ta'minlaydigan mahsulot ishlatiladi. Shu asosda, aqlli RCBO ma'lumotni masofadan boshqarishi va kuzatishi mumkin, bu esa qulaylikni sezilarli darajada yaxshilaydi.

    In industrial applications

    such as factory wiring, business premises such as hotels, and large medical equipment, it is necessary to provide various electrical fault protection. When installing, it is recommended that each individual circuit be installed with RCBO. In the event of circuit failure, the faulty circuit will not affect the normal operation of other circuits. The following are the product catalogs of the two RCBOs.

    Mahalliy ilovalar
    – Household Electrical Circuits: In homes, RCBOs are installed to protect individual circuits, such as those for kitchen appliances, heating systems, or lighting circuits. They ensure that in the event of a fault (e.g., a damaged appliance causing a short circuit or a person coming into contact with a live part), the power is quickly cut off, reducing the risk of electrical shocks or fires.
    – Outdoor and Garden Areas: For outdoor sockets, lighting, or pond pumps, RCBOs provide crucial protection, especially given the increased risk of electrical faults due to weather conditions and outside elements.

    Commercial and Public Buildings
    – Office Buildings: RCBOs are used to protect circuits feeding computers, servers, lighting, and HVAC systems, safeguarding against potential fires and ensuring personnel safety.
    – Schools and Hospitals: Given the sensitivity of these environments, RCBOs are critical in protecting the electrical installations against faults, ensuring a safer environment for students, patients, and staff.

    Specialized Environments
    – Data Centers: RCBOs can protect against electrical faults in circuits powering sensitive equipment, preventing data loss and damage to expensive hardware.
    – Marine Applications: On boats and ships, RCBOs are used to protect electrical circuits from saltwater-induced corrosion and potential electrical faults.

    RCD, MCB va RCBO nima?

    RCD - bu qoldiq oqim qurilmasi bo'lib, u odamlarning oqimli uskunaga tegishi yoki ba'zan kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib kelishi, simlar ochiqligi yoki yuklash uskunasi va sxemasi elektr yong'inga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lmaganda zarba berishning oldini oladi. RCD mos keladigan himoyani ta'minlay oladi.

    MCB miniatyura to'xtatuvchisi deb ataladi, u haddan tashqari oqimdan himoya qiladi. O'chirishda juda ko'p yuk moslamalari mavjud bo'lsa va oqim juda katta bo'lsa yoki kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladigan past qarshilik holatida bo'lsa, MCB kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib, kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib keladigan jiddiy vaziyatlarning oldini oladi.

    RCBO RCD va MCB funktsiyalarini birlashtiradi va uning ixcham o'lchami RCD va MCB kombinatsiyasidan ko'ra cheklangan joy bo'lgan joylar uchun ko'proq mos keladi. O'rnatish muddati ham qisqartirilishi mumkin va u RCD va MCB kombinatsiyasini to'liq almashtirishi mumkin.

    Devrenni himoya qilish uchun RCBO dan foydalanishning kamchiliklari qanday?

    RCBO-dan foydalanadigan iste'molchi birligining narxi RCD va MCB kombinatsiyasidan yuqori. Asosan, boshqa kamchiliklar yo'q, RCBO juda yaxshi tanlovdir.

    RCBO-ni qanday tiklash mumkin?

    RCBO ishlamay qolganda, mahsulot kaliti past holatda bo'ladi. Quyidagi jarayonni amalga oshirishdan oldin, iltimos, boshqa xavfsizlik buyumlari bajarilganligini diqqat bilan tekshiring, so'ngra izolyatsion qo'lqop kiying va RCBO kalitini yuqoriga burang. Bu vaqtda siz "chertish" ovozini eshitasiz. Agar u ishlamasa, RCBO qayta o'rnatildi va ishlay boshladi.

    Qanday hollarda RCBO dan foydalanish maqbuldir?

    RCBO - turar-joy uyining elektr tizimida yaxshi tanlov bo'lib, u erda siz muzlatgich yoki signal zanjiriga boshqa kontaktlarning zanglashiga olib kelmasligini xohlaysiz. Mahsulotdan foydalanish nuqtai nazaridan, muhim davrlarni himoya qilish uchun RCBO ni alohida sxemaga ulash tavsiya etiladi. Boshqa ahamiyatsiz sxemalar uchun xarajatlarni hisobga olish yaxshiroq bo'lishi mumkin. Turar-joy binolarining umumiy xavfsizligi uchun tejash kerak bo'lmagan pulni tejash mumkin emas.

    How to install an RCBO?

    Installing an RCBO (Residual Current Breaker with Overload) involves careful attention to electrical safety protocols and should only be carried out by a qualified electrician. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how an electrician might install an RCBO:

    1. Switch off the Main Power: Before starting any work on the electrical panel, it’s essential to ensure that the main power supply is turned off to prevent electric shock. This is typically done at the consumer unit or distribution board.

    2. Prepare the Distribution Board: Open the board and ensure there is appropriate space for the RCBO. If you are replacing an existing circuit breaker, you may need to remove it carefully to make space.

    3. Identify the Circuit: Identify the circuit where the RCBO will be installed. This circuit should be turned off, and you should verify that there is no power using a voltage tester.

    4. Connect the Live Wire: The live wire (often brown or red) coming from the circuit should be connected to the RCBO’s “Load” terminal. Make sure the connection is secure.

    5. Connect the Neutral Wire: There will usually be a neutral bus bar where neutral wires (often blue) are connected. Connect the neutral wire from the circuit to the RCBO’s neutral terminal.

    6. Connect the Earth Wire: The earth wire (often green and yellow) should be properly connected to the earth bar within the distribution board. This is a safety wire and must not be omitted.

    7. Flying Neutral Lead: Some RCBOs come with a pre-attached neutral flying lead that should be connected to the neutral bus bar. Ensure that this is also securely connected.

    8. Mount the RCBO: Securely clip the RCBO onto the DIN rail in the distribution board. Make sure it’s properly engaged so that it won’t come loose.

    9. Test the Installation: Once the RCBO is fully installed, you can restore power to the board and test the operation of the RCBO by using its test button. The RCBO should trip, indicating it is functioning correctly.

    10. Final Checks and Verification: Perform final checks to ensure all connections are proper, the cover of the distribution board is replaced, and that the area is safe.

    11. Hujjatlar: Record the installation in the property’s electrical circuit chart, and if necessary, notify the local government or relevant authorities as per regulations for inspection or record-keeping.

    Please remember this is just an informative guide. Legislation and safety regulations concerning electrical work can vary by country and region. Always ensure that you hire a professional and certified electrician for any electrical installations or modifications in your home or business premises.


    Haddan tashqari oqimdan himoyalangan qoldiq tok o'chirgichi RCBO hisoblanadi. U RCD va MCB funktsiyalarini birlashtiradi. Qisqa tutashuv, qoldiq oqim va ortiqcha yuk natijasida kelib chiqadigan zararni oldini olish uchun RCD va MCB kombinatsiyasini to'liq almashtirishi mumkin. U oilaviy uylarda, fabrikalarda va tijorat ilovalarida ishlatilishi mumkin. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun Tongou bilan bog'laning.